Below are all of the currently available books which would be a valuable asset to any personal or family archive. Please notify us via the Contact page if you find any broken links.
Some of the following links may generate a small commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Earnings are used to offset website and hosting expenses, as well as supporting other archive projects.
Published June 14, 2006
Published September 30, 2016
Published November 19, 2009
Published August 30, 2011
Published September 30, 2016
Published September 30, 2016
Published February 11, 2022
These volumes include published papers, talks, interviews and other materials delivered by Denver C. Snuffer Jr.
Some of the following links may generate a small commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Earnings are used to offset website and hosting expenses, as well as supporting other archive projects.
Published January 11, 2019
Published January 27, 2019
Published May 17, 2020
Published October 1, 2020
Published December 21, 2020
Published May 10, 2021
Published December 30, 2022
Published January 10, 2025
These volumes include the complete blog, with posts and comments by Denver C. Snuffer Jr.
Some of the following links may generate a small commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Earnings are used to offset website and hosting expenses, as well as supporting other archive projects.
Excerpts from The Desk of Denver Snuffer Blog.
Some of the following links may generate a small commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Earnings are used to offset website and hosting expenses, as well as supporting other archive projects.
These volumes include the complete blog, with posts and comments by Denver C. Snuffer Jr.
Some of the following links may generate a small commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Earnings are used to offset website and hosting expenses, as well as supporting other archive projects.
Some of the following links may generate a small commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Earnings are used to offset website and hosting expenses, as well as supporting other archive projects.
Published December 28, 2020
Traducción al español junto con la Restoration Edition del texto original en inglés (Spanish Edition)
Published December 28, 2020
Traduction en français ainsi que l'Edition de la Restauration du texte anglais original (French Edition)
Published October 5, 2024
Published November 21, 2024
Published November 28, 2024
Published December 18, 2024