Joseph Smith Jr.

Below are all of the publicly-released papers, talks, books, discussions, and interviews of Joseph Smith Jr. of which we are aware. Please notify us via the Contact page if you find any broken links. If you have better versions of any of these resources, or if you have additional resources that originated from Joseph that do not appear below, please Submit them for inclusion in the archive. Thanks for your help!








  • 2019.11.25

    This volume contains the original, most accurate version of the revelations to Joseph Smith, the Lectures on Faith, The Book of Abraham, several complete letters written by Joseph Smith (like the Wentworth letter and Liberty Jail letter), and an expanded Joseph Smith History as he originally published it while editor of the Times and Seasons. It also includes some modern material relevant to the Restoration.

    Doctrine and Covenants, Abraham, Modern, Revelation
  • 2019.11.25

    The New Testament and The Book of Mormon, published together as Joseph originally intended. The New Testament version used is the “Joseph Smith Translation” and incorporates all changes he made, including punctuation changes. It is the first time all of the changes Joseph Smith made have ever been in print. The Book of Mormon is based on the last version Joseph personally edited in 1840. It also restores some of what was translated, but was changed, edited or omitted by the print versions previously made available. This is the most complete and accurate publication of Joseph's work ever put into print. Because this volume contains the new covenant offered by Christ given to the Jews, then to the Nephites, then to the gentiles, and now again to us, it has been titled “New Covenants.”

    Bible, New Testament, Book of Mormon,
  • 2019.11.25

    The Old Testament version used is the “Joseph Smith Translation” and incorporates all changes he made, including punctuation changes. It is the first time all of the changes Joseph Smith made have ever been in print. Some antiquated words and expressions have also been modernized in this volume, for easier reading and comprehension.

    Bible, Old Testament,
  • 1835

    The 1835 Edition of the Doctrine and Covenants

    Doctrine and Covenants

Joseph Smith Papers Project




Documents Joseph Personally Wrote, Edited or Vouched For




Documents Joseph Dictated to Scribes, Secretaries, or Assistants

Documents Containing Joseph's Words as Recorded by Note-Takers

  • 1924 - Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith

    In his writings and sermons, Joseph Smith clearly interpreted the word of the Lord. Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith contains the most succinct and important doctrinal statements from his writings. The teachings are arranged chronologically and show the development of the Church as new truths were revealed