About the Event:
Japan is a nation with a long history, deep in tradition and culture, having much to teach us. Both native and visitor can learn much from the ancient practices of "Bushido" and "Shinto," as well as more recent additions of Buddhism and other modern developments.
Although generally recognized as a "Buddhist" country, Japan has a surprisingly deep history and relationship with both Christianity and Judaism. If one looks closely, one can also see interesting comparisons and similarities between the Shinto and Buddhist traditions of Japan, the mythology of ancient Japan that pre-dates the written record, and traditions from other parts of the world, such as Judaism and Christianity.
「仏教国」と一般的には考えられていますが、この国にキリスト教とユダヤ教、双方との歴史上の重要さとつながりが見られることは驚くべきことであります。 良く見てみると、日本における「神道」と「仏教」にはおもしろいほど対照的な部分と似通った部分があり、また、日本の古代神話は文書化された記録(聖書)やユダヤ教的、キリスト教的慣習など世界の他の地域の言い伝えより以前から存在することがわかります。
This event will explore the history of religions in Japan, with speakers from several different cultural, religious and historical backgrounds offering their insights. The organizers of the event are participants in a small movement of individuals hoping for a full restoration of original Christianity, and believe that Restoration is underway in our time. The event will be held on Saturday and Sunday, October 3 and 4, 2020. This was scheduled to coincide with the commencement of the biblical Jewish Feast and Celebration known as Sukkot, or Feast of Tabernacles. This Feast is to celebrate the harvest, and to illustrate the dependence of Israel, now scattered across the world, on God. We feel the date is significant as followers of a great many traditions and beliefs will come together to share their wisdom on that day. No matter whether one is Christian or Buddhist, Japanese or Canadian, we all have something we can teach each other, and learn from each other as well. We hope this conference is a true international cultural exchange opportunity.
この協議会はいくつかの異なる文化的、宗教的そして歴史的背景を有する方々に独自の見地からのご提案をいただき、日本の宗教の歴史について探求します。 この協議会の主催者はかつて属していた、キリスト教宗派からの完全復帰を望む者や現時点で復帰の途中であると信じて小さな活動に参加している皆さんです。 多くの伝説や信念を信じる者として重要な日となっており、信者たちの知恵を分かち合うために私達は毎年4月4日に集まることになっています。
Although numbers of "Restoration Movement" believers in Asia are small, we feel it is of vital importance to introduce the movement in this region at this time. Through communion and exchange between believers in this movement, and religious leaders of other faiths, we hope to be able to spread the message that this Restoration is underway, and that many great and important truths must be learned and shared in the coming days.
The Event will consist of four sessions (all times noted are Japan local time), two on Saturday, in Japanese and English, featuring musical numbers and interesting presentations; one early Sunday morning mostly for those familiar with the Restoration Movement, provided in English only; and a Main or Keynote session on Sunday morning, with music, speakers and cultural presentations.
この協議会は4つのセッションからなり、日時は全て日本時間で表記してあります。土曜日は2つのセッションが行われ、日本語と英語の2か国語で進行します。音楽や興味深いプレゼンテーションが楽しめます。日曜日の早朝セッションは主に復帰活動について知識のある方向けで、英語のみで行われます。その後の基調講演では、音楽を聴きながら講演や 文化的な発表をお楽しみ下さい。
Saturday October 3, 2020 Sessions:
10月 3日 土曜日の会
Session I
9:00 AM Japan Local Time 午前09:00 日本時間
(Friday, October 2, 6:00 PM MDT)
Session II
12:00 PM Japan Local Time 午後12:00 日本時間
(Friday, October 2, 9:00 PM MDT)
Various presentations by representatives of other faiths and historical experts, as you learn of Japanese and Asian history, records, burial sites, temples and shrines, and how on earth Christianity and Judaism came to be so prevalent in early Asia and Japan, and what happened to followers. Presenters will also address topics such as the history of religion in Japan, Buddhist Tradition, Shinto, and more. The primary purpose of this session is to provide historical and cultural background for the session which will take place on Sunday.
Sunday, October 4, 2020 Sessions
10月 4日 日曜日の会
Early “Restoration” Session (English Only):
8:30 AM Japan Local Time 午前08:30 日本時間
(Saturday, October 4, 5:30 PM MDT)
Reports by representatives of local Restoration fellowships from several Asian countries will be given, along with any general announcements or other business that may need to be transacted.
Main Session:
10:00 AM Japan Local Time 午前10:00 日本時間
(Saturday, October 4, 7:00 PM MDT)
This session will conclude the conference with messages of hope and unification for believers of all faiths, and will feature presentations by Denver Snuffer, Jr., an eloquent speaker well-versed in the history of Christianity and comparative religions, and Arimasa Kubo, a Japanese expert on religious history in Japan and the influences of ancient Christianity there.
As an online event, the sessions will be available world-wide, simultaneously. To reduce confusion on time zone differences, the schedule is posted below based on the time zones of the 2 largest populations which have expressed interest.
9:00 AM
12:00 PM
Restoration Session:
8:30 AM
Speaker: Bobby Seno
Speaker: Ludivina Seno
Speaker: Zenaida Albalate
Speaker: Randy Albalate
Presentation: Josh Maskovich
10:00 AM
Session 1:
6:00 PM
Speaker: Noriko VanCampen
Presentation: Takeaki Yoshida
Presentation: Hideo Hatakeda
Session 2:
9:00 PM
Speaker: Jill VanHaren
Presentation: Zenkou Kuki
Presentation: Ryouchu Yoneda
Restoration Session:
5:30 PM
Speaker: Bobby Seno
Speaker: Ludivina Seno
Speaker: Zenaida Albalate
Speaker: Randy Albalate
Presentation: Josh Maskovich
Keynote Session:
7:00 PM
Presentation: Arimasa Kubo
Presentation: Denver Snuffer Jr.
Speaker: Chris VanCampen