ANNOUNCEMENT: The Restoration Archives has recorded a professional-quality male voice reading of Covenant of Christ as a podcast, in audio book format. The first 41 chapters have already been released, and the remaining chapters have already been recorded are being edited and prepared for release as time allows. It is available in Apple Podcasts and on Spotify.
In Apple Podcasts, search for Covenant of Christ, and look for the blue Covenant of Christ AUDIO BOOK cover.

In Spotify, search for Covenant of Christ, and look for the blue Covenant of Christ AUDIO BOOK cover.

As previously announced on Denver’s website, A group of restoration women have also recorded Covenant of Christ in female voices. This is also available on Apple Podcasts – just search for Covenant of Christ and look for the cover with the woman reading.

We hope you will enjoy BOTH of these versions, which are available for free on many different platforms and devices.