DENVER’S COMPLETE BLOG – Now Available in 8-Volume Hardback Book Series, Plus Full Index

FROM THE DESK OF DENVER SNUFFER – The complete content of Denver’s blog has been made available in hardcover book format, including a full index of terms. The current volumes include everything Denver posted from February, 2010 through September, 2022. It also includes comments and Denver’s responses to comments, which in many cases have doctrinal significance.

This comprehensive desktop set of eight (8) full volumes plus a separate index volume is available here on As additional blog entries continue to be posted, we expect to add additional volumes in the future, along with an updated index as each successive volume is released.

If you already have some of the former “Remembering the Covenant” book series, you may have noticed that they render only some of Denver’s blog, in an edited format and without comments or responses. It was published over 10 years ago, in March, 2013, and does not contain any of the material Denver posted over the past 10 years. In contrast, the “from the Desk of Denver Snuffer” series contains all blog posts, all relevant comments to which Denver responded, and those responses. They are preserved in full, spanning the entire duration of the blog (now 13 years of material and growing), with a complete index of terms. Additional volumes and an updated index will be added in the future as needed.

We encourage you to consider preserving the contents of Denver’s blog in this way, for your own family as well as for those who may come later.

NEW BOOK: In Their Own Words – A History of the Removal of Section 20

This is the comprehensive history of the removal of D&C Section 20 from the Teachings & Commandments, and the development of the Statement of Principles subsequently adopted in September, 2018 as a “Guide and Standard” to be included in the new Restoration Edition of the Scriptures. It consists of a compilation of the full text of every version of the Statement of Principles submitted to the Scripture Committee, together with written statements submitted or posted – at the time and in their own words – by those involved with the effort.

More than four years later, that document causes relief and rejoicing in some, feelings of pain and misunderstanding in others, and darkness and confusion in yet others. While some would like to believe that this piece of Remnant history resides in the past, it is clear from ongoing conversation that this story has not yet been put to rest.

This compilation was undertaken in an effort to bring some clarity and understanding to those who didn’t actively participate in the process or were not part of the remnant body as this unfolded during 2017-18, and provide additional context for those who were involved in (or at least aware of) the process at the time.

Compiled by Lori Larsen, Editor. Now available in hardback on

RELEASED: Teachings of Denver Snuffer, Volume 7

This new volume covers all of Denver’s talks, papers, interviews and Q&A sessions from 2020-2021.

The hardcover and softcover 6×9″ editions are available here on Amazon. The larger format 8.5 x 11″ softcover edition is available here on Amazon. The Kindle edition is available here as well.

The TDS series (which includes The Testimony of Jesus, also available here on Amazon) is now up-to-date. You can see all available volumes on the website here. These eight volumes together cover all of Denver’s teachings from 2007-2021.

Additional volumes of the TDS series are planned to be added as needed. Currently, the next volume is slated to be published in late 2024, to include all of Denver’s talks, papers, interviews and Q&A sessions during 2022-2023. So, now might be a good time to review your collection of Denver’s writings and add anything that is missing, so that this amazing body of work can be preserved.

RELEASED: Testimony of St. John Book with Side-by-side KJV Harmonization

The stand alone book version of the Testimony of St. John has been released! It’s available here on Amazon in both hardback and paperback.

This Testimony of St. John adds truth and light that confirms old truths, reveals new ones, and shows the Lord’s continuing mercy for us.

Denver Snuffer, Jr.

This volume includes background information from Denver regarding how and why the Testimony of St. John was revealed. Also included in this volume is an Appendix containing a side-by-side comparative study of the Testimony of St. John and King James Version (KJV) of The Gospel according to St. John from the New Testament for the reader to harmonize the different versions of John’s testimony found in scripture. It is hoped that this comparison format will reveal many insightful and enlightening differences to the attentive reader.

The testimony of John should be read as a description of Christ’s progression in both the pre-existence and here on earth.

Snuffer, Denver, Jr., Eighteen Verses p. 157

Scriptural precedence for the fulness of John’s record to be revealed:

And then shall my revelations which I have caused to be written by my servant John be unfolded in the eyes of all the people. Remember, when ye see these things, ye shall know that the time is at hand that they shall be made manifest in very deed. (Ether 4:16)

6 And John saw and bore record of the fulness of my glory, and the fulness of John’s record is hereafter to be revealed. And it shall come to pass, that if you are faithful you shall receive the fulness of the record of John. 

18-19 And it shall come to pass, that if you are faithful you shall receive the fulness of the record of John. I give unto you these sayings that you may understand and know how to worship, and know what you worship, that you may come unto the Father in my name, and in due time receive of his fulness. (D&C 93:6, 18-19)

Ultimately the intent of this work is to offer light and truth and point towards our Lord Jesus Christ and the restoration of His gospel that continues in our day.

Denver Snuffer Podcast Volume 3

The book version of the Denver Snuffer Podcast, Volume 3 (2020-2021) has been released! It includes episodes 100-150, plus an extensive index to help you locate critical passages from the podcast. PLEASE NOTE: Seventeen (17) of these episodes include new material! You can get it in hard cover or paperback here:

Hard Cover

This volume covers a wide range of topics, including:
– Love
– Forgiving Others
– Renewal
– Nature
– Zion People
– The Sabbath Day
– The True Vine
– God Forgives
– One Heart First
– Precious
– Numbered Among
– Foolish and Wise
– Marriage
– Being Harmless
– Adoption
– Equality
– Commune with Christ
– Government of God
– Shem
– Testimony of Jesus

From the back cover:

Mankind cannot believe the Bible to be true and then rule out the possibility that God is going to do something preliminary to His Second Coming to prepare the world. That message is embedded right into both the Old and the New Testament. The purpose of the prophecies of the New Testament and the rescuing of mankind by the Lord is something that necessitated a return of the original authority directly from Heaven. That, in fact, has begun. In its recommencement, there are a number of prophecies that have to be fulfilled in order for the Lord to keep His promises before His return in glory to judge the world. God not only intends to keep those promises, but He is in the present act of keeping them.

The Testimony of Jesus: Past, Present, and Future

Denver’s new book is the culmination of five years of outreach to Christians everywhere and is now available on Amazon as a hardback standalone addition to the Teachings of Denver Snuffer series of books. As a comprehensive overview of Christianity, the Reformation, and the Restoration, it is suitable to hand any Christian, or anyone who may be interested in what God is doing today.

From the back cover:

What is Authentic Christianity?

Today there are approximately 40,000 different Christian churches and denominations. If you go back only 500 years, most of what you regard as Christianity would not have existed. If you go back earlier still, your Christian belief (including the current form of Catholicism that is practiced) would be regarded as heretical by the Roman Catholic hierarchy. Merely 500 years ago, the only authorized forms of the Bible were printed in Latin, and they were the exclusive property of a Catholic clergy who taught in Latin. Christians were a group of people who were told what to do, what to believe, and how to regard Christianity.

Unfortunately, the form of Christianity that almost every one of us holds in our hearts and that we look to in faith—believing that it has the power to save—would be regarded throughout the majority of Christian history as heresy, false, and damnable.

Is God the author of such chaos and confusion? 

How do we know which doctrine, belief, or sect is “true,” or are they all wrong? 

If they are all wrong, where is God, and why would He allow that to happen? 

Or perhaps more importantly, if God is not the author of such religious institutions and sects, what has He been up to for hundreds of years? 

This book addresses these and other important questions facing Christians today. Every person committed to following Christ should be interested in learning the surprising answers about what God is doing today to restore truth and make it possible for the world to again practice authentic Christianity.

We hope you’ll share it with everyone interested in learning more about Christ, the coming Zion, and the restoration of authentic Christianity now underway in our time.

-Denver Snuffer

New Book from Denver Snuffer – Religion of the Fathers: Context for the Book of Abraham

Just released! Denver’s groundbreaking new book Religion of the Fathers: Context for the Book of Abraham is now available in hardcover, paperback, and Kindle editions.

Based upon his recent paper by the same title, this book includes additional material presented at the Religion of the Fathers conference, together with the entire Book of Abraham as originally published in the Times and Seasons, and other important material. Religion of the Fathers presents a strong defense of the authenticity of the Book of Abraham as translated through Joseph Smith Jr. in 1835, and subsequently published in the Times & Seasons in 1842. It also presents an expanded view of the Restoration of the gospel, its ancient roots, current covenants, and prophesied future.

From the Introduction:

The first and most complete religion belonged to Adam and Eve. They lived with God, and after being cast out, they retained a memory of living in God’s presence. Adam taught the first eight patriarchs born after him the Religion of the Fathers, which involved direct communion, contact, and connection between mankind and God. It enabled the faithful to hear directly from the Lord His promise of eternal life, to seal them by covenant into His Heavenly Family.

Despite nearly universal apostasy and rebellion against God while Adam lived, the line of first or Patriarchal Fathers preserved the true religion. Their religion was Adam’s religion, and their understanding reached back to the Garden of Eden. They experienced visions, ascended into Heaven, obtained promises of exaltation, and were transformed by their experiences from men into angels of God.

After Shem (Melchizedek), an apostasy lasted until Abraham. Although he was raised by an idolater, Abraham searched for the true God of Heaven. He “sought for the blessings of the Fathers,” the very thing Malachi prophesies will return before the great and dreadful return of the Lord. Like Adam (at the beginning) and his descendant, Enoch, Abraham was caught up into Heaven and received a tutorial endowment from God. The covenant of the first Fathers was renewed and conferred upon him by Melchizedek, thereby restoring continuity back to Adam.

Abraham represents the key Patriarchal Father prophesied of in Malachi. Abraham not only renewed the covenant of the Fathers (including Noah and Enoch), but also, through the Abrahamic covenant, God established Abraham as the new head of the family of God on Earth.

The Book of Abraham has become a battleground because it is so important for our salvation. Recovering the Religion of the Fathers, becoming of one heart with the Fathers, and fulfilling the prophecy of Malachi are directly connected to Abraham. The more we can learn of Abraham, the more we can know of the covenant with the Fathers spoken of by Malachi, and those same blessings of the Fathers that will be administered again before the end. We can, if faithful, obtain all that the original Fathers received from God at the beginning.

Therefore, any book written by Abraham should be priceless to us.

The Lord’s “strange act” is approaching completion. The promises made to the Fathers are being vindicated. The Restoration has recommenced, and if we are faithful, it will not be paused or interrupted again. Although Israel’s numbers are few, there have never been great numbers willing to sacrifice everything for God.

If you have been looking for an easy way to share the message of the continuing Restoration with friends and family in a way that is simple, straightforward, and friendly, you might consider sending them to our new website It’s a great way to help them find and listen to (or read) Denver’s 10 lectures, in a simple and easy format, without having to scroll through tons of other material to find them.

Check it out, and let us know your thoughts!

As an aside,, and all take you to the same place, in case they can’t remember the exact web address. Trying to make it super easy!

Teachings of Denver Snuffer Volume 6 – Available Now!

Teachings of Denver Snuffer, Volume 6: 2019 (TDS6) has just been released! It is available in many different formats here:

It is also available as a free download here:

This brings us up to the end of 2019 with Denver’s lectures and papers, excepting those delivered to a Christian-focused audience, which are scheduled to be released in the form of a separate book later this year. Regarding Volume 7 (covering 2020-2021), we anticipate that it will be released in 2022.

One day, we will wish we had hit “print” on all of the materials of the Restoration

–Denver Snuffer

The TDS series makes it easy to collect and preserve a library of Denver’s material. Today might be a good day to review your library, and add any missing volumes.

ALSO – if you are aware of any transcripts, audio recordings, papers, or any other public materials that the Archive may not already have, please contact us so we can arrange to include them. Thanks!

NEW RELEASE: Lectures on Faith [RE Version]

ANNOUNCEMENT: We have officially released the English RE version of the Lectures on Faith, and also the Spanish/English RE translation of the Lectures on Faith! This was done as part of our outreach to all remnant groups, including the lost tribes of Israel, and all interested Gentiles everywhere. Much work has gone into the preparation of these stand-alone volumes, to make it easy to study and share them with the more than 1.1 billion native English and Spanish speakers worldwide, as well as the billions of others who speak English or Spanish as a second language.

If you are interested in picking some up and in the process getting the best price, the Aerio Store in carries both the hardback and softcover version of each volume. It takes them a few extra days to produce and deliver them, but the prices are much lower, so they may be worth the wait.

You can see and order them here:

A hearty “THANK YOU” goes out to all who participated in the translation and preparation of these important works of scripture!