Important updates to the Denver Snuffer Library Page
Hello again! We’d just like to let you know that a significant amount of new material has been added to the Denver Snuffer Page of the Restoration Archives Library. Among the new updates:
Remarks at the Joseph Smith Restoration Conference (Boise, ID – June 24, 2018): There is a link to the video of the presentation on YouTube, as well as audio and transcript.
The Restoration’s Shattered Promises and Great Hope, Sunstone Conference (Salt Lake City, UT – July 28, 2018): Here, we have added audio recording, actual transcript of the talk as presented, and Denver’s manuscript of the entire paper upon which the talk was based.
Remarks at the Remembering the Covenants Conference (Centerville, UT – August 4, 2018): An audio recording of Denver’s presentation and transcript have been added.
The Lost Piece of Silver: A paper which Denver prepared for presentation at the Covenants Conference in Centerville, but was moved to replace with the remarks referenced above. This is the full paper with footnotes, etc.
Things that Keep Us Awake at Night (St. George, UT – March 19, 2017): We have added a word-for-word transcript of the talk, as given on stage.
Updates to Regional Conferences Page
A great deal of information has been added to this page. A large number of talks, including audio, as well as papers (where available) have been added to the page. Additionally, links to the various conference websites are posted there, which allows access to even more material.
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We hope that this information will be useful to you, and we wish you continued growth and learning of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.