Other Sheep Indeed Update!

The transcript of the Denver Snuffer talk entitled “Other Sheep Indeed,” given at last summer’s Sunstone Symposium (July 29, 2107) has been completed, and is now available in the Restoration Archives Project Library.

Simply visit the library, click on the Denver Snuffer button, and scroll down to “Other Sheep Indeed.” You’ll see a button for “Transcript.”

This transcript is a written version of what Denver actually said at the symposium, as opposed to the long-version paper which he prepared, and which is also available on the library. Frequently, Denver will deliver a talk, which does not contain all of the material he wished to present on that topic. He will prepare a long-form paper on the topic, and distill that down to what he actually presents in his talk. He will then post the long-form paper, complete with footnotes, scripture references, and additional in-depth information on his website. We make both the actual talk transcript, as well as the long-form paper, available here in the library.

We hope you enjoy all of the materials we present to you here.


Added 3 New Transcripts

Today, we added three new transcripts to the Denver Snuffer library. They are:

  1. Road to Emmaus
  2. Cutting Down the Tree of Life to Build a Wooden Bridge
  3. Unity in Christ Conference

In each case, we added a verbatim transcript of the recorded audio, including Q&A where available, to the lineup of available resources for those talks. We hope you will add these to your own collection of teachings from Denver and enjoy the additional material!

Major Updates to the Library!

We have completed a number of major updates to the Library area, including adding a lot of new resources, and indicating where new resources are being prepared but are not ready yet (these are indicated by a greyed-out icon).

If you haven’t already, please have a look at the Denver Snuffer archive page where you’ll see the improvements. Thanks to everyone who spent so much time making this possible!

2 New Transcripts Posted

Today, we posted preliminary versions of two new transcripts:

1. That We Might Become One, a fireside talk given by Denver Snuffer on January 14, 2018
2. Cursed: Denied Priesthood, a fireside talk and Q&A session with Denver Snuffer from January 7, 2018.

These are now available in the Library area, on the Denver Snuffer Jr. page.

PLEASE NOTE: We plan to make an announcement like this each time we post new or updated resources or content. If you would like to be notified when new content is posted, please subscribe to the RSS feed for this blog and it will happen automatically for you.


We need your help! Were you in Oregon in 2010?

We have some great news to share with you this week! It appears that our process of “crowd-sourcing” the history of the Restoration Movement is working! We have had submission of materials relating to an event that took place in Oregon in 2010.

The event was entitled “Portland Oregon Symposium” and was held on Friday/Saturday, October 8-9, 2010 at several locations in Portland/Beaverton. Denver Snuffer appeared at a Fireside on Friday evening, and gave a talk on temples at a symposium meeting held on Saturday.

Denver Snuffer spoke regarding the temple being not just a building, but “the temple is YOU.” He described the processes that various individuals and peoples have gone through in their journeys to commune with Christ. He discussed the chiastic messages of the temple. He spoke of Christ’s journey and willingness to commune with his people.

At this time, we are asking for your assistance to flesh out our record of this event. We have no records of what transpired at the fireside the previous evening. We would love to hear from any of you that may have been in attendance. What you saw or heard, your thoughts and impressions. We do not, at this point, have a transcript or recording of the actual symposium talk. We feel that it is very important to corroborate submissions that we have received to date, so we are asking for your assistance in submitting any notes, photos, recordings or transcripts you might have of this event.

If you have any documentation relating to the Portland Oregon Symposium of October 8-9, 2010, please contact us at submission@restorationarchives.com. We would appreciate your assistance very much!

May God bless you. Have a great day!

Our God is a God of Miracles!

Hello. My name is Chris, and my wife and I currently live in Japan. I am “blogmaster” of this little spot.  I have a very recent and important experience I’d like to share with you.

I recognize the hand of God in all things. I testify he works miracles on behalf of his children.

Last Monday, at shortly before 2:00 pm. we heard a “whuff” sound, and a thump against the house, not unlike some of the gusts of wind that come down the canyon on occasion, so we thought nothing of it. At exactly 2:05 pm, a person we’d never seen before, who happened to be in the area working on… something… no one actually knows who he and his two compadres were… came to our door shouting FIRE FIRE FIRE! Continue reading

The Translation Work Continues!

Hello again!

We just wanted to bring you up to speed on the latest translation work that’s going on in the Restoration Archive Project.

As we told you last time, the focus has begun with Spanish and French translations of the ten “Forty Years of Mormonism” talks by Denver Snuffer. This effort has begun with the call for translators, including native speakers, in these two languages.

This has led to the beginnings of some other very exciting projects. We have received a submission of a Danish translation of the first talk, which we are now checking for accuracy and editing. There is now a volunteer to head up a German translation project, and a Japanese translation has begun as well. We are aware of several other languages spoken by movement folks, and we are in the process of reaching out to them to gauge their interest and ability to help out in this great project.

Please, if you have ability in any of the languages mentioned here, or if you feel moved upon to take on any other language not mentioned, please contact us! We’d love to prepare these teachings in as many languages as possible so that when the time comes to spread this word far and wide, the assets will be in place to enable that work to proceed. Email us at: submissions@restorationarchives.com.

Thank you for your help!

Translations of Important Documents – requesting assistance!

As the Restoration Movement begins to cross borders and reach to people of other nations, it becomes important for them to be able to study the writings and teachings of modern messengers. We have undertaken to translate several of the works of Denver Snuffer into languages other than English.

It has been indicated that the place to start will be Spanish, followed by French. If you have high-level, translation-capable abilities in these languages, please reach out to us by clicking the “Contact” button on the main website, or by emailing questions@restorationarchives.com. This is not to say that we are limiting the effort to these languages. We are merely focusing on starting there. If you have abilities in other languages, please let us know. More importantly, if you have an existing translation of any of these books or documents, or know of any, please get in contact with us.

We intend to approach this by a team effort, and we really hope that the teams include at least one native speaker of each of the languages. Therefore, if you, or anyone you can refer, is a native speaker of either Spanish or French, please reach out to us.

Thank you!

How you can become involved!!!

Welcome to the exciting Restoration Archives Project!

We are currently seeking volunteers to help out on a few projects. We are always in need of transcription assistance, copy-editing and proofreading. If you have any of these skills, and would like to be of assistance, please visit the main website page at www.restorationarchives.com and click “Submissions” to begin the process of signing up for the website. As part of that signup is a section for you to volunteer, and to describe your abilities that might lend themselves to the project. Alternatively, you can click on “Contact” and just send us a quick message.

But you don’t need to volunteer for the Restoration Archives Project to get involved with record keeping. We encourage you, in your own home, to begin assembling a good library of important gospel and restoration related documents. The Denver Snuffer library, the Joseph Smith Papers project, and other volumes are important to have in your home. We encourage you who are in active fellowship groups to begin, if you haven’t already, to journal and document the activities and happenings of your fellowship group. These records will ultimately become a part of the archive. If you are planning, or have planned, a conference or similar event, please document the planning, execution and actual happenings of the conference or event. All this is important information for future generations to see what was done, what was accomplished, and what was learned. Failures and mistakes are every bit as important, if not more so, as triumphs and successes.

We look forward to your participation in this Project!